Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Premier of the new H.O.W. TV

After a year and a half of listening and tweaking - the new H.O.W. TV has arrived!  The search engine is more robust, the site is easier to navigate and we are fired up and ready to go!  Another cool addition is that we can now link relavent videos to articles.  As you know, there's often a lot more helpful info on a subject than makes good video.  We are able to give you all of the info, without having to make you click all over the place to get it.  One more thing,  the Fingernail Rating System.

Fingernail Rating System
Okay, here's how it works.  The more fingernails we are able to keep intact while doing a project, the happier we are with the project.  Since a lot of intact fingernails is a good thing, the more of them a product gets in a review, the better we like the product.  5 whole fingernails rocks...5 broken fingernails sucks.  There you go - the key to what we think is worth doing or buying. 
Visit H.O.W. TV 2.0 and let us know what you think!  If you like, sign up for the newsletter - we try not to be a nuisance with that, so we only publish when there's something really importat to say.  Happy!

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