Since some people on our gift list appreciate things that we make for them, and money is on the tight side, this year, I am choosing to make more of our gifts and some, if not all, of our cards. It comes out a bit cheaper monetarily, but it does take time, and I dare you to put a price on your time!
If you choose to join us in the venture, here are some suggestions for you. Get your kids (or kids you know) in on it - you're gonna have them home for holiday breaks - they need something to do, why not make it something helpful. I'm totally going to come up with something for the next time the grandkids are here. Look for homemade gifts that have a little utility. If you're going to invest the time, you want the recipient to really value the gift. Lastly, be realistic about that time investments - don't bite off more than you can chew - who wants to self-impose more stress?!
So here's a challenge from us. What you can't or choose not to make, try to buy American and shop with your local merchants. Really put some thought in to where and with whom you spend your money. Support your community and the businesses in it. I love my local Ace Hardware®, Mt. Juliet Beer Co., etc. - makes me smile every day that I see their doors open.
H.O.W.® for the Holidays is a way to share ideas and info to further that goal.
- H.O.W.® Facebook® Fan Page ("Like" Page...whatever) & Twitter®
- H.O.W.® for the Holidays Discussion: Easy but cool gifts that you can make (we don't want to gft clutter any more than we want to amass it). Fans (Likers) and H.O.W.® post instructions and pictures for clever projects to help a sista' out.
- Tweets & Status Posts: Holiday reminders, links to cool gift ideas and cool places to shop - comments and ReTweets encouraged!
- Newsletter Subscribers
- Bi-Weekly: Special offers from female-owned small businesses
- Recipes
- Links to helpful online content
- General Interaction
- Whether through blog comments on H.O.W.® Hip, joining in the discussion inthe social media world or e-mailing suggestions directly to us - ladies have a lot of ways of getting things done and a lot to say. That combination is a powerful thing.
Most of you are here to support the project of a friend the rest of you found out about us somehow and liked something that you saw in the world of H.O.W.® We'd like to take this opportunity to begin the season with a heartfelt - Thanks for the support! Starting a new venture is definitely challenging, but when you really believe that you're on the side of the angels, no challenge is too daunting for the Hands On Woman. You Rock!