You know, a lot of my friends kinda snicker at me because I tend to get a little self-righteous when it comes to companies and products. I just don't believe that selling your soul, and making as much money as possible-regardless of the consequences are requirements to making a living, and living a happy, fulfilled life. Seriously, there is a a particular store that I haven't patronized at all in over 7 years, at great comparative inconvenience, because I don't like their business practices or philosophies. When I don't like a company-I really don't like them; when I do like or respect company, I'm pretty vocal about it because sometimes, the good guy really should succeed.
I admit, I've historically been more of a "convenient environmentalist" - a believer, but not a staunch practitioner. I realized, however, that if I'm as serious about getting the most possible enjoyment of life and celebrating what I have, rather than lamenting what I don't, it includes giving a crap about this beautiful planet that we are honored to inhabit. I'm not gonna be chaining myself to trees or anything, but how hard is it to really do what I can? So...I discovered Seventh Generation® products 5 years or so ago, when Publix® opened a store in my area. It was a little more expensive, but at the time, we could afford to spend an extra few cents in the effort of being better stewards of our planet-I mean we enjoy the outdoors, we should be responsible about it. Anywho, the product work great, and if they're available where I happen to be shopping, I'll choose their brand.
I recently signed up on their site and just received their newsletter. I just had to share it. I mean here's a company who makes fabric softener sheets, yet extols the virtues of line-drying clothes; they make cleaning products, yet advise on the wisdom of using welcome mats to reduce the dirt and crap that comes in, and micro-fiber cloths to reduce (eliminate in some cases) the amount of cleaning product needed. You just gotta love principle before profit. Check 'em out.

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