Tuesday, December 7, 2010

H.O.W. for the Holidays Special Offers

As the companies featured in the gift idea portion of the holiday newsletter provide discounts for the H.O.W. faithful, this part of the blog is where you'll find them.  We want to thank these Ladies Who Launch members for not only bringing their unique products to our attention, but for being willing to pony up while trying to get their businesses to the next level.

Speaking from experience, it's really hard to get a business off the ground in a down economy.  But, when you know that there are women out there who want/need what it is you have to offer, it feeds that determination to keep on trying.  I know that we do a heartfelt tee-hee dance every time we hear from even one woman (or man for that matter) that something we published helped them make a task a little easier.  The businesses featured here are in the same place - problem solvers looking for the folks who need the solutions that they have to offer.  If you missed the newsletter, you can still get this issue if you register by the 10th, in the meantime, here are the featured offers...
  • PZI Jeans - 15% discount on all merchandise ordered online by entering code PZ15TWT
  • Posh Party Box Gift Boxes - 15% discount by entering code PPBHOWTV
  • Cozy Petal Gift Boxes - 15% discount on 12/17 only by entering code HOWTV3 (we'll post a reminder) & free shipping on orders of $150 and up